Firinne Institute of Research Excellence

firinne Vance Klein firinne Vance Klein

Introducing Firinne Liquid Digital Assets Fund

What started as a fiendishly clever curiosity shared on an esoteric anti-authoritarian cryptography mailing list, has now developed into a legitimate emerging asset class in its own right, discussed in boardrooms of banks and pension funds throughout the world.

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Vance Klein Vance Klein

Building a Bridge Between Worlds

Digital assets are a new and exciting asset class. From the unmatched returns of Bitcoin, the OG of the space, to the vast promised land of DeFi made possible by the smart contract capability of a blockchain, it’s hard to miss the signs that there’s something new afoot.

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Vance Klein Vance Klein

Why #hodling is So Hard

Institutional investors make asset allocations decisions in a portfolio context. Retail investors allocate mostly based on what they think is going to pump with little regard to a portfolio context. Both have found hodling difficult for distinct reasons. So far, it’s been the best strategy.

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